Live and Learn

Cabbages potted on.
Note to self: don’t plant your cabbages and your celeries in the same flat.

The cabbage seedlings are still growing. Outside, it’s still snowing.

The celery and celeriac are also growing, not at the same pace, nor will they go out into the garden at the same time as the cabbages.  So why, oh why are they sown in the same flat!!  Sowing at the same time does not equal planting at the same time.  Hopefully I’ll remember this lesson from this day forth.

Good thing the extra growth on the cabbage spurred my brain into action.  They were getting too large for their cells, and did I mention the snow going on outside?  So really, everything was going to plan.  Whose plan I have yet to figure out.

I potted on the cabbage, collards, and kohlrabi into larger 6 cell units and left the celeries in their own flat.  I’ll figure out what else to seed in vacated cabbage cells later.  Time to shovel the walks.

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